Train Your Mind For Your Next Performance
Be calm, present, confident, and focused. Communicate your message and be ready for anything every time you go on stage or walk into an audition room!
For singers, actors, and public speakers.
When it comes to performing at your best, your biggest obstacle just might be your mind.
Having a performance mindset practice in place can make all the difference between nailing it and kicking yourself for days.
Meditation trains the brain to be less focused on yourself, so when bodily sensations of fear and anxiety come up, you have the ability to not respond as strongly to them. This allows you to be less reactive and feel more balanced so you can perform at your best.

Nadia Vaeh
"Annie's meditation tracks have been a game-changer for me as a performer and as an artist. They are exactly what I need to get my mindset right before and after every performance."

Annette Betting-Fuentes
"My desire to perform was bogged down by performance anxiety. Now that I use Annie's tracks regularly, I realize that for me, every day is a performance, and listening to them gets me ready to approach the day with confidence!"
Meditation tracks include

Rock Your Day
10 min
Set yourself up for success from the morning of your performance.

Rock Your Performance
7 min
Get relaxed, focused, and in the flow, right before you perform.

Rocked It
4 min 30 sec
Stay grounded and present in the excitement after nailing your performance.

Feeling Rocked
6 min 20 sec
Reset your mindset, so you can stop identifying with any negative emotions.
Rock your performance for only $19
Rock Your Performance Guided Meditations are for you if:
✓ You don't enjoy performing because of performance anxiety.
✓ You don't have a consistent performance mindset practice to support you.
✓ You know you need to train your mind as well as your voice, but you're not sure where to start.
✓ You've tried meditation, but you want something specific to your performance needs.
✓ You're tired of feeling frustration and self-loathing around performing.
✓ You genuinely want to share your voice and message.
✓ You are willing to dedicate a short amount of time to regularly do your guided meditations (think 4-10 minutes) on performance days, knowing that the more you show up, the more you'll benefit.
Tired of hoping for the best when you perform and audition?
GET MEDITATIONSWant to hear what it's like? Try our
Body Scan Guided Meditation
This short, simple meditation is a great way to begin to train the mind to work with you, not against you. Train your mind and body to feel more grounded and focused every time you use it.